Need to access pictures in iCloud

Need to access pictures in iCloud


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Oct 15, 2011
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After I installed ios5 I was playing around with my pictures. I deleted some from the album.
I thought I could retrieve them from iCloud as its supposed to save last 1000 pictures or something.
I can't figure out how to do that. I don't want a complete backup. Just to find those few pictures. Help!
The iCloud camera roll is for pictures that were taken and then uploaded. That means any pictures that you took after iClouds was installed will be available. Now IF you have done a full iCloud BACKUP, which is different from the camera roll, then the pictures would be in that backup. You would have to do a full phone restore however to get access to them. And I haven't done enough testing of the iCloud backup system to recommend the best way to do a current backup, a restore to grab the pictures and then one last restore to get you back to where you are. But in theory it should work.
Thank you for your response.
I've just spent hours trying to figure out this cloud thing :-)
Finally figured out I need to link photo stream to my pc (don't have a mac) so I did that for future pics.
But the pics I deleted (stupid me playing with the new album organization on the iphone) I think are gone.
They were taken before I upgraded to the ios and I don't think when I upgraded it backed up my phone before upgrading. my computer says last back up was in September.

I didn't do a backup on the phone before deleting these pictures. So decided I'm out of luck, but will remember this and learn from it!
I thought they would be floating up in a cloud somewhere I could access them, because I read it saves the last 1000 pictures from the last 30 days or something?? ugh.

All this technology makes my head spin!
Thanks again.
As a backup, I also use SugarSync to send my pictures up to off-site storage as soon as they are taken. I too have lost pictures so now I have a backup for my backup. LOL
I normally use FileReflex to share my desktop files to iphone. with this app i can search my entire desktop files with one touch.
I can't even see where to access pictures on icloud. Is there a way that my pics back up to icloud?
You'll need the icloud dashboard from the apple site and make sure everything is enabled. After taking a picture your phone will send it to icloud ONLY with a wifi connection. You should then be able to access it in Pictures-> Photo stream.
I have the icloud dashboard on my computer and everything is enabled. I have also checked my settings on my iphone and everything is enabled. it says my wifi is on and I have entered my security key to connect to it. It says I am connected but it still doesn't sync. My pictures don't show up in photo stream. I have taken some test pics and they aren't syncing. Is there anything else I can check to make sure everything is working. Is there a way to make sure my wifi is working correctly?

Thanks, this is really frustrating me.
you need the control panel:

Found this answer for myself elsewhere on Macrumors. Thank you to user vanfanel1 who submitted it, because I didn't see the answer ANYWHERE ELSE ON THE FREAKING INTERNET.
Why Apple has chosen to hide this from everyone is very confusing. Shades of iTunes counterintuitiveness. Anyway, once you get the iCloud control panel.. it adds it to the control panel.. (I could not find it in the Window 7 control panel, and had to do a search for iCloud after downloading it.) You can tell it to go ahead and download iCloud pictures into your My Pictures folder (or wherever you specify.) And then you can indeed access your Photo Stream pictures on your PC. Why I had to do a bunch of Internet searches to find out how to use one of the most-advertised features Apple has ever produced, I will never know. But there it is, spread the word.

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