Netflix For iPhone Watch Movies And TV Shows Instantly

Netflix For iPhone Watch Movies And TV Shows Instantly

PhilSynowiec News Team
Thread Starter
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA

This year at WWDC 2010 Netflix CEO announced that they were bringing Netflix to the iPhone. You would be able to watch your "Watch Instantly" Movies and Shows right on your iPhone. iPad did it, and it worked out pretty well. The iPhone version seems really small but thats just me from using the iPad. Netflix is a great program and this just adds a little more fun on the go. I highly recommend getting the $9 plan for a month or two just to watch some of the stuff they have on there, its worth it.
I saw this on the twitter feed the other day and downloaded it. Works good. I watched 2 30 min Weeds episodes over 3G and it only had to re-buffer once. Will come in handy between classes this semester.
Also, I was about to cancel my Netflix account to try out the new Hulu Plus. But then this app was released, so I think I'll be using my Netflix more often again.
Blockbuster was trying to do the same sort of thing with their streaming videos on the Droid X, it was an app that came standard on the thing. I read an article about it and all the people that commented about it had disabled the app and deleted it so it wasnt sucking processing power. Netflix is much better, even better now that they have a better selection adding the other studios to their lineup.
yes. finally!! i've waited for this for so long.
now, my iphone will always be in use.
My netflix account is finally seeing more action again. My poor batery is struggling though to keep up with the constant use that I putting my phone through. =(

And Family guy is the shizznit !
The netflix app rocks. Hubby and I found you can also have 2 iPhones watching 2 different shows at the same time on the same account. Nut you do end up sharing a queue so if I watch something after him my show comes up on his when he hoes back in. So instead of Weeds he will get Land Before Time.

I've been enjoying it when my 3 yr old falls asleep in the car. I just park by a mcdonalds or Starbucks and watch netflix off their free wifi. Quality is awesome.

Damn typos. Downside to iPhone keypad.
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my rc cable is connected correctly to my iphone 4 and samsung 61 inch avi slot but nothing is playing. What settings on the phone do I have to change. I went to ipod and tv widescreen setting and turned it on...that's all i did so far and nothign
my rc cable is connected correctly to my iphone 4 and samsung 61 inch avi slot but nothing is playing. What settings on the phone do I have to change. I went to ipod and tv widescreen setting and turned it on...that's all i did so far and nothign

the netflix app doesn't support video out
my rc cable is connected correctly to my iphone 4 and samsung 61 inch avi slot but nothing is playing. What settings on the phone do I have to change. I went to ipod and tv widescreen setting and turned it on...that's all i did so far and nothign

the netflix app doesn't support video out

Yup. My husband tried every way possible to stream to our TV but no dice. We could get sound but no video.

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