New app lets you design your very own tattoo

New app lets you design your very own tattoo


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Jul 27, 2011
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Tattoos have become increasingly popular these days especially among the youth. Go out for a walk in the park or stroll around the supermarket and you will surely run into people who sport curious and intricate design patterns on their bodies. App developers have begun to notice this. Some savvy devs conceived of a product called Instattoo – Tattoo Design Generator. It is an app that helps any tattoo lover develop their own special design. Forget about the indecision when considering what to apply on your skin. With this app, you will be able to choose between countless models, create new ones or blend models you find interesting.

The company behind the app is advertising it as the first tattoo generator to see the light of day on this earth. They also highlight the simplicity of the procedure. With just one tap you will be able to generate a particular random design that is being delivered to the user via a complex Al algorithm.

The app is available for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad and requires no drawing skills whatsoever. Just swipe across the interface to see what designs are available thanks to the twelve built-in tattoo styles that constitute the look of the tattoo.

The app provides a huge 128,000 possible designs per style with five symmetry modes and five design sizes. Users will be able to enjoy billions of possible tattoo versions. For those hoping to turn their skin into a canvas, the app costs $5 and can be downloaded from the App Store.

by Radu

Source: Instattoo for iOS is apparently the first tattoo generator in the world