new digitizer not responding

new digitizer not responding


New Member
Thread Starter
Dec 7, 2011
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hi guys

i've an iphone 4 which had a cracked front screen so carefully replaced the new screen and digitizer and carefully ressambled it,the phone switches on fine and the lcd displays correctly but the actual touch screen wont work so i can't slide the click lock or anything,i have done a full restore several times now even in dfu mode but still the same ,,any ideas please
yes it's not an original apple one,i've used the a couple of the same ones before with no trouble
You should always use OEM parts! Thats your problem you bought a cheap screen!
Why wouldn't you use an OEM screen?
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ahhhh no it's such fiddly work to change aswell,oh well thanks for the advice
This is an old thread but I'm having the same exact problem with my iPhone 3GS. I changed out the screen and at first I used the original OEM digitizer and when I put everything back together, the touch screen was responsive but only on the right side. Eventually it stopped responding completely. I swapped out the digitizer for a new one (not OEM) and still no response. I've only tried a system restore once so I'm now going to try again but in DFU mode. If anyone has any suggestions, I would appreciate it.

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