New Drone Video Shows Apple's Late 2015 Progress of 'Campus 2'

New Drone Video Shows Apple's Late 2015 Progress of 'Campus 2'

PhilSynowiec News Team
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Jun 15, 2010
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Bay Area, CA
Back in July, we looked at updated aerial shots of Apple's second campus, going by the moniker 'Campus 2'. The new Cupertino campus is scheduled to be completed in late 2016, giving the construction crew around 12 months to wrap up the project.

Duncan Sinfield, a drone pilot, shared with us another updated view of the work being done in Cupertino. So far the crew erected four floors of the ring-shaped building, along with some of the special curved-glass windows which will encircle the building.

For the first time, we see a clear view of the underground auditorium at Campus 2, where Apple plans to hold its future events. Campus 2's final form will feature the 2.8 million square foot spaceship-like structure, several parking lots, a fitness center, and more.

Check out the video in the reply below.

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