New guy

New guy


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Jan 31, 2016
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Hello everyone. New to your forum here. Simply looking to gain some insight on finding or possibly developing a very simple app for use at work. I have found apps that work in the vein I need but are not quite up to snuff with functionally.

The premise is simple, an interactive photo checklist.

The main page would be a list of individual customizable checklists. Checklist A, Checklist B etc.

Inside each checklist you can add/remove individual line items. Photo 1, Photo 2, Photo 3 etc. With the ability to edit labels and change order. Color coding would be rather useful as well.

From there, in order to "check" items off the list, the user would select a line item, the camera would open, and the photo taken would be stored and mark the item as checked.

To speed this process along an option for a "continuous mode" would be ideal. In where the user starts with the first item on the list, and the camera stays open for shooting, while a small text box tells which photo needs to be taken next.

The ability to easily organize and share the photos taken as well as the lists created would be an absolute must have as well.

If anyone knows of an app like this or can point me in the right direction to getting it developed, please help me out!
Welcome to iPhone Forums, mertmant! I hope someone will be able to answer your question.

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