new help for old users

new help for old users


New Member
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Dec 20, 2011
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Hello, I recently got a new iPhone4S. I had the iPhone4 and got an upgrade. I thought I was doing pretty well with it. Now my husband has gotten an iPhone4. We are both rather limited with or technological abilities, lol We are looking forward to being able to use our phones to the max of their abilities. And I have never really used a forum but feel other users would be the best assistance for us. Thank you all and I'm excited to be a part of your community.
hello and welcome to the forum!

was the iphone 4 your first iphones? the thing about the 4 to 4S is the only differences where on the inside with one change to the outside antenna so you can use the accessories from your iphone 4 if you had any and using it which is a plus side.

there is so much to learn about the devices and once you really open up its "wings" you will see how amazing the device really is
G'day and welcome to the forum!!!! :)
Thank you VTR and unleashed, I am 57 years young and love technology. We have a PC, and 2 Laptops. We have 2 gaming systems (actually 2 PS3's and an xbox) We have a 50" flat screen and 3 other flat screens. The iPhone4 was my first, I only had it for a few months then we changed carriers, I got the iPhone 4S and my husband got the 4. We don't listen to much music on them now, I suppose as we learn to download music we will. I want to learn to down load music, convert them to ringtones and text tones. It is funny that I did successfully make 3 ringtones and got them on my first iPhone then was able to transfer them, lol now I forget how I did it. I look forward t learning how to make these babies "fly"
that is very good! my parents are around your age and my father has no idea how to turn on a pc or use any device and is pretty much the anti-technology lol (hope that did not sound weird)

you have some pretty impressive tech right there.. ok what games do you have?:D

also for ringtones this might help,

r you might have used an app called iphone ringtone maker or something similar
My husband plays gears of war, Modern Warfare (I think this is the one I got him for Christmas) He has all the Modern Warfare games, and Battlefield, Black Ops, I don't know all them, and the Tomb Raider series, Some of the Resident Evil and the ones about the biosphere, And he plays Tiger Wood on line with our son every, every weekend. (one day, either Fri. or Sat.) They have been doing this for so long I can't remember. Our son lives 600 miles away and we don't get to see him much. I don't play any games. I use to play with my husband and be his navigator but I am one of those people whom gets sick watching some of the games. I guess it is like motion sickness. LOL.
Robinbump, glad to see you here. While technical abilities do help at times, using the iPhone is more about practice, practice, and just plain using it. The Safari browser has a bookmark that contains the complete Users Manual, and that is something to look at occassionally. Good luck!

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