New Iphone Activation?

New Iphone Activation?


New Member
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Aug 30, 2010
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Hi all, New member here, and sorry if this has already been discussed. Just un-boxed my shiny new toy, connected with i tunes but I didn't register straight away because it asked for the i-phones Phone number which I don't know... so now it is synced with i tunes but i have no service and it says is waiting for activation.... The phone number still says unknown.
Is there a way to go back to the activation page in itunes so I can activate it? I have tried to restore but i tunes wants to download a 600mb software update.... very confused and annoyed. any help would be largley appreciated.

It may be easier to call AT&T and just have them activate it over the phone. After it's activated you can work on downloading the update.
What is this AT&T that has been cropping up everywhere? does every iPhone go through them? I'm in Australia btw
What is this AT&T that has been cropping up everywhere? does every iPhone go through them? I'm in Australia btw

All US iPhones are on AT&T... ;) unless they are jailbroken and unlocked that way to use some other carrier.
That's pretty cool, must be a huge company. I think it is sorted now, Rang my provider and there was an option to activate the sim over the phone. Thankyou for your quick and helpful response :)
Welcome from Brisbane enjoy the forums yes AT&T is us phone company like Telstra here if you have any questions about issues with Aussie connections just ask

What carrier did you sign up with? Or have you purchased a unlocked phone from apple?

Cheers col.bris super moderator

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