New member with 3GS that keeps shutting down with map apps, & cont. updating apps.

New member with 3GS that keeps shutting down with map apps, & cont. updating apps.


New Member
Thread Starter
May 24, 2013
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Hey, I'm new hear and hope you can help me. I have a 3GS. It's been great for me, ...until I got it repaired in India. Now, whenever I use a mapping application or a stock/currency app that needs to keep updating, the network shuts down and goes to NO SERVICE, and then searches, and gets back up for about 10 seconds, and then shuts down again. And it keeps doing it over and over. It does not do this when I'm on Safari or my email. But when I use any map app, or a stock/currency app that keeps updating, the phone does this. Does anyone know why it does this and how to solve this problem?
G'day David,I am sorry to say I do not know the answer to your question however....

A BIG warm welcome to the forum!!!! :)

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