New member with a problem - PLEASE HELP!!!

New member with a problem - PLEASE HELP!!!


New Member
Thread Starter
Nov 12, 2011
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Hi, I'm a new member and need some serious help

I had an iPhone 3G but got damaged beyond repair so bought a 3GS 8Gb with the insurance payout, also made money out of it too!!! In order to restore from my previous backup on iTunes, I had to update the 3GS to iOS 5.0.1, which I did

The 3GS was on iOS 4.1 and was unlocked. I could use my SIM card in the phone at this stage but since updating to 5.0.1, the phone won't activate and won't recognise my SIM card

I'm not too bothered about the phone being jailbroken or anything complicated, just want to be able to use the phone for its purpose

Please help as I've been without an iPhone for 6 weeks and its si frustrateing having one but not been able to use it yet!!!
Was your handset new? If it was locked to a particular network the 'proper' way is for the previous owner to apply to the provider, who apply to Apple for it to be unlocked.

Iphone was on 4.1 thats very old sw, i wonder of a Givvy sim was used by the previous owner to make it work on any network?

I from what i know, you need to put the Givvy sim back in and re-run the installation sequence to re-install it, but likely you will need to buy the latest version of the Givvy that works in iOS 5.1, and not sure if it is yet if available. If it is it will eat into your 'profit' margin.

Time to call whoever sold it to you me thinks
Thanks for the help crowdpleaser. Took the phone back to the shop where I bought it and have now got it back with 4.1 installed, unlocked and jailbreaked. The shop said I can restore from my previous iPhone 3G's backup thru iTunes but iTunes won't give me the option of restoring from that backup. All I wanna do is have this 3GS restored with my 3G's backup then I will be a happy bunny!!! Any ideas?
Pleased you made progress, but i have no idea about jail breaking to make informed comment.

I think if the phone was unlocked properly it should update and backup without issue or being jail broken.

Up to you if you persist or not.
Yet again, thanks for the help crowd pleaser. I am gonna persue this problem cos I have irreplaceable info on the backup. And here's me thinking that technology was our friend!!!
icesteel said:
Yet again, thanks for the help crowd pleaser. I am gonna persue this problem cos I have irreplaceable info on the backup. And here's me thinking that technology was our friend!!!

Happy to have helped, get your money seemed to me the best option tbh, now the 4s is out perhaps you can get an ip4 second user?
Got the 3GS workin but strugglin to use the 3G backup on iTunes. It is there in the device settings but won't give me the option of usin the backup. My contract is available for upgrade in March so gonna get the iPhone 4 for free or put a bit of cash towards it and get the iPhone 4S - not sure yet

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