new to apple iphone4

new to apple iphone4


New Member
Thread Starter
Dec 7, 2011
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Hello out there! I am new to the apple line and tomorrow I will be getting my new iphone4. I can hardly wait! One question I have is I have windows xp home on my main computer and have installed itunes on it yesterday. I would like to install the icloud be see it will not install on xp. My lovely wife has a net book with windows 7 starter on it. Does it make sense to install icloud on her netbook? I'm new here so please forgive the ignorance if the question has already been addressed.

As someone else posts here: Google is your friend! Simply type in something like "install icloud on windows xp" in Google or Bing search engines and you'll get all sorts of answers to your question. There's even a pretty good spot on a YouTube clip showing iCloud instructions for a Windows XP system.

Good luck!
G'day & welcome to the FoRuM!! :)