New unteathered jailbreak?

New unteathered jailbreak?


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Aug 4, 2011
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Is there going to be a unteathered jailbreak coming out for 4.2.10? If not can you downgrade to a version that can be jailbroken easy?
NinjaPuma937 said:
Is there going to be a unteathered jailbreak coming out for 4.2.10? If not can you downgrade to a version that can be jailbroken easy?

Highly unlikely. If you saved your shsh blobs then you can use ifaith to dump your blobs and you would be able to downgrade to a lower firmware. if you dont have those your o.u.l.
i went to on the phone and downloaded cydia so im jailbroken. and im running 4.2.9
CMERRITT84 said:
i went to on the phone and downloaded cydia so im jailbroken. and im running 4.2.9

Jailbreakme 3.0 doesn't work with 4.2.9. The whole point of that update was to close the PDF exploit jbme 3.0 used to jailbreak the iDevice.

bab2010 said:
You can't do that if you are on iOS 4.2.10

darkstar2007 said:
jailbreakme 3.0 doesn't work with 4.2.9. The whole point of that update was to close the pdf exploit jbme 3.0 used in the first place.


+1. Pdf

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