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New Member
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Mar 17, 2012
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Hi Guys, brand new to this forum having just got my 4S the other day. I got an iMac 21.5 a couple of months ago and I've got one of the first iPads.
I am so impressed at the way all 3 devices talk to each other, and without any fuss or complicated setting up.
I was a PC user up until I got my iMac, but as soon as it, and my iPad started talking to each other I knew I was converted.
At first I was slightly disappointed with Siri but decided to persevere. It's still a million miles away from perfect but it is good at what it does
considering its still Beta. I just wish the mapping feature would work in the UK, hopefully this update is not too far away.
Whilst experimenting with Siri and switching between USA and UK voices I did notice that the USA version didn't understand a lot of the words
I used, such as 'Sainsbury's' but as soon as I used the male UK assistant he knew exactly what I was saying. Is this all in my imagination or is there
some kind of accent recognition built in?
I'm off now to read the forums and hopefully pick up some tips
Sir surely have a kind of accent detestation build in it and that explain very well why there is UK and US siri. I see you are a complete Apple convert now, I haven't got the iPad as i can't justify why i need it, but i also got all the other most pop Apple products except for the TV of course. I'm glad your devices are communicating well together and you are enjoying it. Welcome to the site.

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