New Video Shows How Games Might Look on Taller iPhone 5

New Video Shows How Games Might Look on Taller iPhone 5


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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MacRumors reports today on a very clever move from game developer Dreamy, who have made a special video to advertise their iPhone game Ninja Fish, which is sure to grab everyone’s attention as they have billed it as the “World’s First iPhone5 Game!” Now of course that isn’t strictly true, as the iPhone 5 isn’t actually out yet, in fact the very existence of an iPhone 5 hasn’t even been officially confirmed by Apple yet (although we all know it’s on the way!), but what Dreamy has actually done is create a YouTube video that shows what Ninja Fish would look like on an iPhone with a taller screen (which the iPhone 5 is expected to have). As you can see from the video, it shows the game running on two different iPhones side-by-side, with one being an iPhone 4S, and the other being a mock-up of what the next iPhone is expected to look like. It’s actually pretty impressive how much bigger the playing surface seems.

Click here to download the game for $0.99: App Store - Ninja Fish

Source: Video Shows What an iPhone Game Would Look Like on Taller iPhone Screen - Mac Rumors
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