Newbie in Pacific Palisades, CA

Newbie in Pacific Palisades, CA


New Member
Thread Starter
Aug 22, 2013
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Hello, all,

I just joined this forum, because I have a problem on my iPhone 4S for which I'm looking for a solution - it involves photos. The welcome message suggested that I post a note here to let you know about myself, so that's what I'm doing.

I am a retired IT professional, fairly new to iPhones. My kids & I traded in our Blackberries for iPhones about a year ago. We love them for their vastly better Internet viewing ability and their cameras, which are amazing, considering the tiny lenses. I am not a big Mac guy, don't have an iPad or MacBook - I have always used Windows on PC's. I don't use iCloud, but do sync my calendar, contacts, etc., with Outlook on my laptop, via iTunes. I don't collect music on my iPhone - when I play music on it, I just use Youtube.

That's about it, unless you'd like to hear about my boring personal life.

Bob Peitzke
Pacific Palisades, CA
Have to say, as it's free, you might as well use the cloud.
I don't sync music, but having had my 4s changed twice by Apple under warranty, it was a joy to see my phone restored from the cloud before I left the Apple Store, it was almost the same as before ( cloud does not back up the numerous wifi passwords you have )

My two cents :)
Hi, and welcome Bob. FYI, boring isn't so bad. Less stress.
Have to say, as it's free, you might as well use the cloud.
I don't sync music, but having had my 4s changed twice by Apple under warranty, it was a joy to see my phone restored from the cloud before I left the Apple Store, it was almost the same as before ( cloud does not back up the numerous wifi passwords you have )

My two cents :)

Hi, TintBob,

I did backup my old iPhone to my PC, not to iCloud. Shouldn't it back up the same stuff, differing only in location?

You might want to read my thread, "Copied saved photos to new iPhone 4s, but they do not
show up in Camera Roll
", in the iPhone 4S forum.

Bob in Pacific Palisades