Newbie inc...

Newbie inc...


New Member
Thread Starter
May 23, 2013
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Hello all, my name is Henry. I'm new to not only Iphones but also apps so please be gentle haha. This seems like a large community and I hope to learn many things from everyone.
Hi I'm Bryan Im new to this site, but I own an apple product for 2 years as of now, I use ipod nano 6th gen, iPad Mini, Iphone 4s and Iphone 5..

Please take care of me and let us all be friends.
Welcome to the iPhone Forums, one of the best iPhone forums anywhere. You will find members from around the world who are willing to help with any questions or problems you may have. If you have a question and a search of the forum threads doesn't provide the answer you need, don't hesitate to ask questions. If you haven't already done so, please take the time to readour rules before posting.

scifan57, iPhone Forums Moderator
Hey to Henry and Bryan. Join in the conversations! And welcome.
G'day and welcome to the FoRuM!!!! :):):)