Newbie with a number of questions...

Newbie with a number of questions...


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Apr 1, 2011
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Hopefully I won't ask too frustratingly ignorant questions, but I'm completely inexperienced & new to apple stuff, let alone iphones....

First up, I have a 3g iphone with o/s 4.2.1 & iTunes

Have a number of questions...

Syncing questions;
Syncing apps; says ‘all existing apps & their data will be replaced by apps in the library’. When go to sync ringtones says ‘all songs, movies…. Will be removed from iphone’. Does this mean I'll lose what's on there if it's not in the library, or only that the apps/media there will be updated if there are newer ones in the library? Re apps, is there a way of keeping originals even if there is an updated one in library? (Eg. my husband's phone o/s 4.0 or some such has a clock on desktop whereas mine can only be found under 'utilities')

Syncing contacts; how to ensure only my contacts are synced b/w my phone & email when 2 phones are used? Even tho I chose my email & password(yahoo) to sync my contacts, somehow I ended up with all my husbands(diff yahoo acct) contacts & vice versa.

Calendar; can't get the iphone to sync with yahoo calendar.

Other gen questions; Seems to be very few apps available(besides games) in iTunes. Are there categories? Am I missing something??

How do you download apps from other sites? Do I have to jailbreak to get any apps from other than itunes? If so, what’s the easiest method? I’ve not been able to make Redsnow etc work, because it keeps telling me it didn’t work & to try again when I follow the instrucs & press power & menu buttons. Jailbreakme doesn’t seem to work because I have o/s 4.2.1

Can I change my desktop, apart from rearranging apps thru itunes? Worked out ringtones, but can I change the calendar alert or SMS(apart from preloaded) tones? Calendar is useless, short, unobtrusive tone!

Thanks for any answers to the above anyone can give me!
...And now I've found my camera is mysteriously lost!! The sync happened automatically when I plugged the phone in - how do I get that not to happen?? Check boxes aren't checked??
loosie........ I'm sorry, but I can't help. But I do want to tell you that you're not alone in having problems with using iTunes. It's a confusing, dangerous, and bloated program that has caused many users grief. Yes, yes, there are those that say it's really fine, but they have used the program for a long time and already know how to navigate around its quirks.

I think your only solution is to simply use iTunes until you figure it out and SAVE your settings often while you do it. Or be like me, and don't use the stinking thing!
Thanks for the reply EWyatt,

If you don't use iTunes, does this mean your phone is jailbroke? If so, can you give me some tips please?

Well, I've found some answers, so hopefully this will help others...

I rang the apple help line(1300 321456 in Aus) & they did help me get thru/understand what was going on. Unfortunately I rang them again today & they said because I was out of warrantee(bought phone secondhand) I'd have to pay $39 for more assistance!

Syncing apps; says ‘all existing apps & their data will be replaced by apps in the library’. When go to sync ringtones says ‘all songs, movies…. Will be removed from iphone’.

Because my husband's phone came pre-loaded with apps from my Dad, the above does indeed mean they'd be wiped off it if I try to sync apps on my computer - obviously they want you to buy the apps again. Music etc that was from my computer will stay, but as per apps, if it was from another computer or bought thru iTunes on another computer, you'll lose it.

Syncing contacts; how to ensure only my contacts are synced b/w my phone & email when 2 phones are used? Even tho I chose my email & password(yahoo) to sync my contacts, somehow I ended up with all my husbands(diff yahoo acct) contacts & vice versa.

Apparently you can only get around this by creating a whole new user account in Windows(or whatever your computer). I created a special user acct for me & one for my hubby & am able to sync only my contacts with my phone, so long as I'm in that acct.

Calendar; can't get the iphone to sync with yahoo calendar.

Ain't worked that one out... anyone??

Other gen questions; Seems to be very few apps available(besides games) in iTunes. Are there categories? Am I missing something??

Was indeed missing something. In the iTunes store, there is a little arrow next to the app store button. That gives you categories, tho they're pretty broad.

Oh and I'd gone into settings and put 'restrictions' on my phone & internet access(or so I thought), in case my kids or anyone else tried to use. Turns out I'd done it back to front & put the restriction on the camera instead, so that wasn't visible.

Anyway, hope that helps other newbies and hope I get some more answers on the other things not yet working.
