Next iPhone Will Have NFC After All

Next iPhone Will Have NFC After All


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Staff member
Jun 18, 2010
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The debate about whether the next iPhone will or will not have Near-Field Communication (NFC) capabilities continues to rumble on, with some recent rumours saying that the next iPhone will not have the feature, unlike previous reports. However, according to a new exclusive from iPhone Arena, the next iPhone will indeed feature support for NFC. The news comes to the site via one of their “loyal readers”, as they refer to the source, who has told iPhone Arena of the following entry in the Verizon database: “4g lte nano nfc sim cards.” iPhone Arena notes that this is significant because NFC SIM cards are only used for NFC-compatible phones, and of course “nano” must apply to the iPhone. The source of the information wishes to remain anonymous, as he says that he is close to one of the three companies that would have access to such insider info, but iPhone Arena seems to be pretty confident about the legitimacy of its source. [/FONT]

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[FONT=&quot]Source:[/FONT] Next iteration of the Apple iPhone to support NFC

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