Nintendo President Pours Very Cold Water on Hopes for Nintendo iOS Games

Nintendo President Pours Very Cold Water on Hopes for Nintendo iOS Games


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Jun 18, 2010
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[FONT=&quot]Bad news for all of the iOS gamers out there with a dream of one day seeing the likes of Mario, Zelda, Link, and maybe even Kirby, on their iPhones or iPads, with Nintendo President Satoru Iwata telling Japanese news organization Nikkei that Nintendo making games for smartphones is “absolutely not under consideration” when he was quizzed on the matter, according to IndustryGamers. [/FONT]

“If we did this, Nintendo would cease to be Nintendo,” he told Nikkei. “Having a hardware development team in-house is a major strength. It’s the duty of management to make use of those strengths. It’s probably the correct decision in the sense that the moment we started to release games on smartphones we’d make profits. However, I believe my responsibility is not to short-term profits, but to Nintendo’s mid-and long-term competitive strength.”
[FONT=&quot]All that being said, I don’t see why that means that Nintendo can’t release versions of its popular games on iOS devices as well as its own systems. After all, Pokemon, which is very much associated with Nintendo, although made by Game Freak, is bringing out Pokemon, Say Tap? for iOS in Japan, which raised many fans hopes that Nintendo was possibly softening its attitude to having its games on other platforms, but it would seem that is now more unlikely than ever. [/FONT]

Source: Nintendo: Smartphone Titles 'Absolutely Not Under Consideration' - IndustryGamers
thats a shame, so really the only option we have is to jailbreak and download the snes emulator

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