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Nissan Launches iPhone Case That Heals Itself


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
Staff member
Jun 18, 2010
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Ubergizmo reports today on a new iPhone case from car manufacturers Nissan, which the car company calls “self-repairing”, or to give it its official title, the “Nissan Scratch Shield iPhone case.” According to the report, Nissan has utilised technology from the car manufacturing industry, which it has previously used on its own Nissan and Infiniti cars. The technology was developed in 2005 by Nissan in collaboration with the University of Tokyo and Advanced Softmaterials Inc, and according to Nissan, the case’s outer paint is made of polyrotaxane, which means that when it is damaged or scratched, the chemical structure has the ability to change back to its original shape and fill the gap, erasing the scratch.

Ubergizmo says that the case was debuted this past weekend at a car show in Dubai, with journalists and attendees even being given cases to test drive. Apparently Nissan has not even decided whether or not to make the cases available to the general public yet, so handing out the cases at this event is a way of testing public opinion to find out if there’s a market for such a case.

Source: Nissan introduces self-repairing iPhone case | Ubergizmo
interesting,they certainly make great cars,never buy anything else.