No edge data after updating to ios 5.0, iPhone 4, 4.10.1 , gevey pro

No edge data after updating to ios 5.0, iPhone 4, 4.10.1 , gevey pro


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Oct 27, 2011
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Updated to ios 5.0, preserving 4.10.1 bb with redsn0w on an iPhone 4. Finally got it unlocked by playing with airplane mode, but for the life of me I could not get edge to activate. Everything else works great. In the end I downgraded back to 4.3.5. I tried everything I could with whatever info I could find online. I also contacted tmobile, which they weren't much help at all, just referred me to their forums. Any help would be appreciated.
Updated to ios 5.0, preserving 4.10.1 bb with redsn0w on an iPhone 4. Finally got it unlocked by playing with airplane mode, but for the life of me I could not get edge to activate. Everything else works great. In the end I downgraded back to 4.3.5. I tried everything I could with whatever info I could find online. I also contacted tmobile, which they weren't much help at all, just referred me to their forums. Any help would be appreciated.

Did you preserve your SHSB blobs in order to downgrade again to 4.3.5?

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