Noob Iphone jailbreak, firmware,everything question>>

Noob Iphone jailbreak, firmware,everything question>>


New Member
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Jul 1, 2011
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Dear Board Members:

I am a new user to iphone and all things associated with it. I just ordered my verizon iphone4 (should be delivered Thursday) and would like to know all the things I should do before I attempt to jailbreak, cydia, unlock my phone.

Do i need to do backups, updates, or anything else. I already created an itunes account and downloaded the following firmwares...


Along with redsn0w_win_0.9.6rc16

Now, I am not sure I need all these things or if they are the proper ones. I just want to know if I am on the right track, and what, if any, pointers you all can give me. I thank you all for any help that you can give, and hope that one day I can return the favor to you.

Thanks alot !!!!!
Dear Board Members:

I am a new user to iphone and all things associated with it. I just ordered my verizon iphone4 (should be delivered Thursday) and would like to know all the things I should do before I attempt to jailbreak, cydia, unlock my phone.

Do i need to do backups, updates, or anything else. I already created an itunes account and downloaded the following firmwares...


Along with redsn0w_win_0.9.6rc16

Now, I am not sure I need all these things or if they are the proper ones. I just want to know if I am on the right track, and what, if any, pointers you all can give me. I thank you all for any help that you can give, and hope that one day I can return the favor to you.

Thanks alot !!!!!

I did this here a video i used good luck

[ame=]YouTube - ‪How to Jailbreak Verizon iPhone 4.2.8 UNTETHERED Redsn0w‬‏[/ame]
Or if your iphone comes with 4.2.6 then its simple just download greenpois0n and run it you will be done in 5 min. If you need help send me a message in my inbox and i will do my best to help. Your phones new so i don't really see a reason to back it up but i think it will do a back up the first time you plug it into iTunes.

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