Notification Sound missing or sporadic-Resolved

Notification Sound missing or sporadic-Resolved


Well-Known Member
Thread Starter
Feb 8, 2013
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Posting the whole story but I have TLDR as the last paragraph..

I am posting this as an info only as I had a problem with notifications that Apple Tech Engineers tried helping me with but did not resolve. The same problem is all over the usual iPhone media forums so it has been going on for yrs. This may help someone else who experiences this until Apple figures it out. In some case it seems to happen with people who also have an active Apple Watch- you may not get most notifications on both devices, you must choose. But I do not have an Apple Watch.

So, to get to my issue and the (fingers crossed) resolution that worked for me. When I transferred from my much loved 8+ to a new 16 Pro I had 2 email account on the native mail app. Neither were icloud accounts. Both are fetch accounts. The main one was a Yahoo account and this seems to matter because the complaints I have read online are for Gmail and Yahoo accounts. My other account is from my ISP. All my notifications and sounds were working as they had since the 4 except for Yahoo.For Yahoo I got all notifications but no sound. My other email notification sounds worked properly as did the ones for the iCloud accounts established while Apple was trying to fix this. Occasionally a network reset solved the problem temporarily . But I kept reading on the internet and trying ideas I got from what I read. I think I finally fixed it, its been over 2 weeks and working as it should.

Here’s the TL:DRpart. I went to the VIP section of my Yahoo email and added as a VIP my Yahoo email address.. And now I get the sound for all notifications.
Posting the whole story but I have TLDR as the last paragraph..

I am posting this as an info only as I had a problem with notifications that Apple Tech Engineers tried helping me with but did not resolve. The same problem is all over the usual iPhone media forums so it has been going on for yrs. This may help someone else who experiences this until Apple figures it out. In some case it seems to happen with people who also have an active Apple Watch- you may not get most notifications on both devices, you must choose. But I do not have an Apple Watch.

So, to get to my issue and the (fingers crossed) resolution that worked for me. When I transferred from my much loved 8+ to a new 16 Pro I had 2 email account on the native mail app. Neither were icloud accounts. Both are fetch accounts. The main one was a Yahoo account and this seems to matter because the complaints I have read online are for Gmail and Yahoo accounts. My other account is from my ISP. All my notifications and sounds were working as they had since the 4 except for Yahoo.For Yahoo I got all notifications but no sound. My other email notification sounds worked properly as did the ones for the iCloud accounts established while Apple was trying to fix this. Occasionally a network reset solved the problem temporarily . But I kept reading on the internet and trying ideas I got from what I read. I think I finally fixed it, its been over 2 weeks and working as it should.

Here’s the TL:DRpart. I went to the VIP section of my Yahoo email and added as a VIP my Yahoo email address.. And now I get the sound for all notifications.
That's a great solution. That is a very weird issue, though. It sucks to have to find a work around to stuff that should just work!
That's a great solution. That is a very weird issue, though. It sucks to have to find a work around to stuff that should just work!
Oh yeah and it was making me unhappy with the new iPhone acquisition after luckily only experiencing “It just works”. It should make me more sympathetic to others having Apple issues. Do ani ternet search, surprised this has been an issue for so e and for how long. Sadly the posts invariably say Apple will fix it in the next update when its been occurring for some since IOS 16 at least. After IOS 18.4 comes out and I am sure it is still working right I am going to send the post to the Apple tech Engineer who spend a couple of hours a day for 5 days on the phone with me trying to fix it.

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