Old Siri 4S vs New Siri iPhone 5

Old Siri 4S vs New Siri iPhone 5


New Member
Thread Starter
Feb 12, 2011
Reaction score
Tempe, Az
I know they spoke at the release that Siri has been imporved and updated. But I didn't get a clear understanding of how or how extensive the improvements are old compared to new. Anyone else in same boat or can anyone offer a good clear comparison?
Siri improvements will come to all(the 4s and 5) with IOS6 release....
The only difference we'll see is how integrated Siri will be into each and every aspect of your iPhone. The 5 will have Siri more integrated that the 4S will.
The only difference we'll see is how integrated Siri will be into each and every aspect of your iPhone. The 5 will have Siri more integrated that the 4S will.

I don't get your reasoning, the integration is software reliant. Siri on an iOS 6 4s will be identical to Siri on an iOS 6 5.
I don't get your reasoning, the integration is software reliant. Siri on an iOS 6 4s will be identical to Siri on an iOS 6 5.
Considering I made that post 3 months ago... before the iPhone 5 was released. Apple was leading us to believe that Siri would be more integrated into the iPhone 5 than the 4S would be. Come to find out, as you've stated, Siri performs the same on both platforms.
Considering I made that post 3 months ago...

Sorry, I'm European ;) I thought your post was 3 days old.

To me 09-12-12 means the 9th of December. Didn't mean to drag up an old post, will pay more attention next time.
Sorry, I'm European ;) I thought your post was 3 days old.

To me 09-12-12 means the 9th of December. Didn't mean to drag up an old post, will pay more attention next time.
No problem. I do believe you can change the date display via the forum settings to show Day/Month/Year if you so choose. :-)
No problem. I do believe you can change the date display via the forum settings to show Day/Month/Year if you so choose. :-)

I had a look as soon as you posted #5, it doesn't seem so (unless I'm missing something, (but I am sitting at home with a horrible head cold :( and my brain feels like cotton wool).

It's ok, just something to remember for the future (and it probably won't have such coincidental close dates like 9/12 or 12/9 that often).
Looked through our settings and unfortunately there isn't an option to change the date format, like I thought there was. Sorry... :-(

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