Overlap Apps With More Apps Through Links In Apps With AppSlide =]

Overlap Apps With More Apps Through Links In Apps With AppSlide =]


iPhoneForums.net News Team
Thread Starter
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKekJQ3syBU]YouTube - ‪Overlap Apps With More Apps Through Links In Apps With AppSlide =] - iOS Vlog 442‬‏[/ame]​

AppSlide is a tweak that will allow you to overlap your currently opened app with another. Normally when you tap on a redirect/link within an app thats not the one used in the link(confusing?), one would have to close, another would open. This whole process takes more time than it should and why waste it if you can improve your iDevice with tweaks? With AppSlide, that whole process is diminished and opening a another app within an app will overlap it instead of close it. Similar to opening Safari links within the Twitter app, although one more feature is added. You can press the Home button to get out of the second screen and go back to the original app. A Great addition to your tweak collection, best of all, AppSlide is free in the Cydia Store.
Looks good. I wonder if apple will steal this idea for iOS 5 as well. Lol.

P.S. You really need to check your mail! Lol...
Looks good. I wonder if apple will steal this idea for iOS 5 as well. Lol.

P.S. You really need to check your mail! Lol...

I have to say, wouldn't it be funny to find out Cydia is actually owned and operated by Apple as a testing ground for future apps and features? God that would be brilliant. And hilarious. :D
You might be onto something there. Lol.

It does seem that apple take alot of ideas from jailbreaking. I guess they see how popular some of the apps and tweaks are on there. I don't think it will be long now before we see a SBsettings style menu in the notification centre...

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