Phone fell in hot tub!!

Phone fell in hot tub!!


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Feb 5, 2012
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I have an iPhone 4S that fell off the side of our hot tub and into the water. I grabbed it as quick as I could and wrapped it in a towel to dry it off. Than I tried turning it off, but every time I turned it off it turned itself back on. Luckily it only had 17% battery left so I thought to myself. So then i took it out of its case and using compressed air dried it off as best as i could. Than I put it in a zip lock bag filled with rice and let it sit for a week.

While I waited for the moisture to be sucked out of the phone I ordered a pentalobe screwdriver so I could take the back off to make sure there wasn't any moisture left in the phone before I turned it back on. After taking the back off I checked for any signs of moisture and got the compressed air out one last time.

I plugged it into the charger this morning and kept my fingers crossed and waited to see if it would charge and turn back on. Well it did, so I let it sit until it was 100% charged before trying to use it. I must have gotten 10 or more missed call notices and a bunch of text messages that were sent while it was off. Almost everything works, I'm even using to post this thread. The only thing I've found that doesn't work is that I can only hear music through the headphone jack. I hard booted a couple times but that hasn't changed anything.

Well that's what happened and considering everything I believe these iPhones are pretty darn durable.
Really well done on the 'CPR' actions, i would have used a hair dryer on medium heat and slow blow, this method gently warns the components and pcb which aids evaporation.

You say music don't sound but can you use speaker phone?

I'd also look at the mute button, set it to lock screen in settings instead of mute, see if screen locks, if not then the switch has an issue
I'd also look at the mute button, set it to lock screen in settings instead of mute, see if screen locks, if not then the switch has an issue

The mute button on the side does mute the ringer and other notifications but I'm not sure where in settings to set it to lock in settings.

If I had the screwdriver when it happened I might have tried using a blow drier on it.
That is way cool you were able to save your phone. I have read in these forums here phones were submerged in water or any given liquid. Well the phones died.

Sent from my 64gb iPad 1

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