photo stream doesn't insert photo from icloud into mail

photo stream doesn't insert photo from icloud into mail


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Jun 20, 2015
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Hi - I'm using iphone5s and ios 8.3. My iphone got full so I downloaded all photos to my PC and deleted them from the iphone. They have stayed within photo stream (icloud) and I'm now trying to email a photo on my iphone from photo stream but it doesn't insert the photo into the email.

Do I have to turn something on to let me insert a photo or video from photo stream into an email on my iphone? I'm new to iphone so not very familiar with settings but been trying to figure this out for a couple of hours now.

From within the mail I can bring up insert photo or video and select it and then go to photo stream and select the photo and hit Choose but then it inserts the words "image1.JPG" instead of the photo itself and it does not send the photo in the email nor as an attachment. If I select the photo and Choose from camera roll it inserts the photo image into the email and sends without any problem.

It also won't successfully copy the photo from photo stream to a new folder or save image - so not sure if that is relevant to the above issue.

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.
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Welcome to iPhoneForums, rds45!

PhotoStream is designed to sync images between Apple devices, and iCloud on the computer. It's not an online storage. Usually, when you remove photos from the iPhone, they should also disappear from PhotoStream, if these photos were stored on the iPhone. At least it was working that way when I used this feature.

Here's more information about PhotoStream: My Photo Stream FAQ - Apple Support

If they're still visible, try the following: choose "Select" in the PhotoStream folder. Then tap the images you need for your emails. Tap "Share", and then "Save Image". This should save the selected pictures to your device (Camera Roll), if they're really still available. You should be able to attach them to an email afterwards. If you don't need them any more, remove them from Camera Roll after sending them.

Or try sending the pictures from the Photos app, if possible. Tap one of the images, then select the "Share" button at the bottom left.

That's a screenshot from my iPad, but it looks about the same on your iPhone.

You'll be able to select more than one of the images, just make sure they are checkmarked:

Then select "Mail". Your next page will look like this:

You should be able to send the image(s) now.

Hope that helps.
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