Pictures from email?

Pictures from email?


New Member
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Sep 12, 2011
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Hello I'm curious I just downloaded the gmail app (free version and not liking how it is not sync w my contacts not ER anyway)
Is there A GOOD email application that allows me to share videos as well as pictures( primarily pictures)
Instead I've been doing it via camera roll or sharing photobucket or shutttfly:)
I'm in mommy loops(groups) and use my iPhone and iPad often actually MORE than I use my laptops..
Thanks in advance if anyone can help:-)
I'm still pretty new, I believe I it my iPhone in november?october?
I have been using Gmail on my iPhone 4 since I got it almost a year ago and I just use the native email software that came with the iPhone and I do a lot of picture and video sharing with no difficulty. I also have access to my address book seamlessly.

Maybe I don't understand your question and you need to clarify but that's the best answer I can give without more information.

Are you using the actual gmail app put out by google or the other ones like gwhizz? Before the real gmail app came out I used some of the others and they kept messing up my contacts but a few months ago when google released the authentic gmail app everything worked flawlessly. You also need to go into your iTunes settings and manage how you want to sync your contacts with gmail. For me I have a ton of contacts in my gmail but did not want them on my phone so after a lot of trial and error I got it set up to my liking.
I just use the native email app in iOS 5 to log into Gmail - seems to work ok.