Pink iPhone 6S Shows Off in Leaked Images [Rumor]

Pink iPhone 6S Shows Off in Leaked Images [Rumor]


Editor in Chief
Thread Starter
Jul 27, 2011
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Here's a disclaimer... the images in this story could easily have been faked, so take this one with a grain and a half of sodium. If they are real, we can imagine there will be quite a few happy Apple consumers out there, as these images show off the rumored new pink colored iPhone 6S.

The color isn't half bad. It's a bit of an electric pink, similar to a rose gold color, yet a bit more pronounced. It's a good thing it doesn't look like Pepto Bismal or we would here a collective shout around the world. Sound off and let us know if you like this rumored pink iPhone 6S. You can see all of the images in the thread below.

Source: CultofMac
Here are all of those pink iPhone 6S leaked images:




If that is true its only going to appeal to a limited audience.
I think this will end up being a pretty popular color.
It does appeal to a certain audience, but that audience could lead to a ton of sales/upgrades :)
Just for fun-
How many males on here would buy it?
i would have to see it ,but if i liked it i would buy it . my masculinity is not defined by color .

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