Please HELP Trying to restore using Tinyumbrella

Please HELP Trying to restore using Tinyumbrella


New Member
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Aug 2, 2011
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Please somebody help me!!

I have a Verizon 4.2.8 jailbreak, I installed some apps and the phone start to get really slow and wasting my battery, So I decided to restore my original 4.2.8.

Previously I have save my shsh bobs in my computer, I downloaded tinyumbrella and start the process.

1. Run the Server.
2. Itunes restore Shift, left click and I select 4.2.8 file.
3. everything went ok, until I got stock in recovery mode.

I got message error 1013 from itunes. I click ok. and then I went to tinyumbrella and I clicked on exit recovery.

MY phone restarted automatically, and then I just got the itunes log on my screen. telling me to connecto to itunes.

When I connect to Itunes it tells me that my phone is in recovery mode and need to be restore.

Then I tried fixing the recovery with Tinyumbrella and I got a error someting like this _futil1888624.....exe is not working.

Please help, I want to be able to activate my phone and then jailbreak it again.

I dont care about baseband I have a contract with Verizon.\

Thank you
1013 usually means you have to comment out the lines in your hosts file, but an easier thing to do instead of restoring a factory firmware file would be to use Sn0wbreeze 2.7.3 to create a custom 4.2.8 firmware and then restore in pwned-DFU mode
1013 usually means you have to comment out the lines in your hosts file, but an easier thing to do instead of restoring a factory firmware file would be to to create a custom 4.2.8 firmware and then restore in pwned-DFU mode

Do i need to run tinyunbrella when I restore from Itunes to the custom 4.2.8
Yes you should have the TSS server running when you restore the custom firmware, make sure iTunes is closed when you start the TSS server(this might happen automatically but do it manually just in case),

Let me know how it goes!

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