Popular Game 'BioShock' Comes to iPhone, iPad Owners

Popular Game 'BioShock' Comes to iPhone, iPad Owners


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Nov 27, 2012
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As it was previously announced, 2K's popular BioShock game has now been made available for iPhone and iPad users. The game comes with a solid 1.65GB size and can be purchased for $14.99 from the iOS App Store by following the link at the end.

Because of its processor-intensive graphics, BioShock is not compatible with the iPhone 4S or below, third-generation iPad or below, first-generation iPad mini and iPod touch. BioShock for iOS is actually a full port of the original game which was first released for Windows PCs and Xbox in 2007. Here are some details about its description:

Set in 1960, the game's protagonist Jack crash lands his plane near a gateway to Rapture, an underwater Utopia created by businessman Andrew Ryan. After discovering a powerful plasmid dubbed ADAM, the city fell into turmoil, creating roving bands of genetically modified inhabitants locked in a struggle for power.

Blending frenetic FPS gameplay with role-playing elements, BioShock is driven by an intriguing storyline layered with philosophical undertones, the most influential being Ayn Rand's Objectivism. When the title first launched, critics lauded the novel application of decision-based gameplay in which a player's actions determine the story's final outcome.

Here are the official features of the game, according to the official changelog:

  • Biologically modify your body with plasmids - genetic augmentations that empower you with dozens of fantastic abilities.
  • Control the world by hacking devices - reprogram enemy security bots into personal bodyguards, modify vending machines to change prices, and transform machine gun security turrets into powerless pieces of metal.
  • Upgrade your weapons - Craft variants of ammo and plasmids by picking up materials in the city to modify them at kiosks.
  • Explore Rapture - an incredible and unique art deco world hidden deep under the ocean, vividly illustrated with realistic water effects and cutting edge graphics now playable on mobile.
  • Make Meaningful Decisions - do you exploit the innocent survivors of Rapture to save yourself...or risk all to become their savior?

Source: iTunes
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