Possible iPhone 5S Pictures Surface

Possible iPhone 5S Pictures Surface


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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CNET reports today that some mysterious images that are said to be from the next iPhone, thought to be the iPhone 5S, have surfaced on French web site, Nowhereelse.fr, which in turn initially spotted the pictures on the iPhone5parts.net forum. As CNET notes, the phone in the photos looks exactly like the iPhone 5, except for the fact that the phone in the picture has an “X” on the back instead of the usual information. The pictures from inside the phone show different screw placement and a few other differences. CNET has already asked Apple if the pictures are genuine, but has not yet had a reply, no surprise really as Apple never usually comments on rumours. This is not the first time we’ve heard of a new iPhone arriving sooner rather than later, especially in light of the production issues caused by the iPhone 5’s back, which has been proven to scratch too easily during production. Maybe Apple intends to move to fix this problem sooner rather than later by releasing a refreshed model, just as they did with the iPad this year.

Source: iPhone 5S already? Possible pics leak | Apple - CNET News
This is how it works with technology. Next thing you know iPhone will be produce every few months.
i really hope this isn't true,the last thing we need is Apple churning out device after device every few months,i don't want my iPhone 5 devalued a few months after i bought it,if this gets to be the trend with Apple i will be rethinking the whole Apple experience.
If that's the case most will be looking at other phones because they can turn around and get new iPhone any day. I have iPhone from the very first one but if apple does that, I'll definitely try different phones.

CNET reports today that some mysterious images that are said to be from the next iPhone, thought to be the iPhone 5S, have surfaced on French web site, Nowhereelse.fr, which in turn initially spotted the pictures on the iPhone5parts.net forum. As CNET notes, the phone in the photos looks exactly like the iPhone 5, except for the fact that the phone in the picture has an “X” on the back instead of the usual information. The pictures from inside the phone show different screw placement and a few other differences. CNET has already asked Apple if the pictures are genuine, but has not yet had a reply, no surprise really as Apple never usually comments on rumours. This is not the first time we’ve heard of a new iPhone arriving sooner rather than later, especially in light of the production issues caused by the iPhone 5’s back, which has been proven to scratch too easily during production. Maybe Apple intends to move to fix this problem sooner rather than later by releasing a refreshed model, just as they did with the iPad this year.

Source: iPhone 5S already? Possible pics leak | Apple - CNET News

Just took out an iPhone 4S contract (24 months) so I for one don't really mind if they bring out an iPhone 5s soon. I'm hoping (probably unrealistically) that by 2 years, there'll be an iPhone 6 :)

But I get why those owning an 5 wouldn't want a 5S to come out so soon.
Always interesting to see a rumor leak but so early on, wow. It's also weird to see iphone5 for sale at Walmart, best buys, etc for 150 too. Saw this on slickdeals last week.

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