Possible to move single apps from NON-Jailbroken iPads to others?

Possible to move single apps from NON-Jailbroken iPads to others?

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Nov 16, 2011
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Hi Guys, hope this is the right forum.
My iPad is not jailbroken. 4.3.5 fm.
A friend of mine claimed he knows how to move an app from my iPad to his without mine being jailbroken. (his is jb. not sure about fm)
I did not believe him and gave it to him to prove it. Exactly 20 minutes later he presented the app on his iPad. He is quite a talented computer nerd and the App was worth nearly $100. He wouldn't have bought it just for a short victory because he know I would find out. But I can't.
And he doesn't know my credentials - so he somehow must have managed to copy one specific app!?!?!

I tried the app itself on his iPad - it worked perfectly fine...
I'm doing some jailbreaking and stuff myself on my iPhone 3GS for about a year now - from my point of view this is not possible!
Am I right? How could he have done it?
Is there a known way this could be done or what am I missing here?
Thanks a lot
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