Problem syncing iPhone 4 with Outlook Calendar

Problem syncing iPhone 4 with Outlook Calendar


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Aug 15, 2010
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New Zealand
I posted the following request for help a week ago and haven't received any suggestions:

I am using an iPhone4 and the calendar in Outlook and while all my appointments are synching perfectly the all day events in Outlook are synching and showing a day earlier on the iPhone4 calendar. i.e. an all day event will be in my outlook calendar for Sun 6 Feb and when it synchs it appears in the iPhone caledar on Sat 5 Feb. This has just started since Jan 1.

Is this a difficult one to solve or has noone come across this one before? I would appreciate any feedback anyone has.
Try turning the automatic time setting off/on depending where you have it. Settings > general > date and time.

There was a bug with alarms since Jan 1st also. Don't know if it's been resolved yet...
Thanks for the suggestion. I had adjusted this in trying to rectify the situation but will try again.
No that hasn't worked unfortunately. I am not having any problem with appointments - they are syncing perfectly but just All Day Events. If I corect them on either the Outlook Calendar or on the iPhone when they sync they all get moved back a day.

Most frustrating and was not happening prior to 1 Jan 2011. Any other thoughts would be appreciated.
I am having the same trouble. all day events sync to the day before in the iphone. 2 of my friends are having the same problem. I joined this forum to help find a solution. Where else can I go to find a solution?
have you ever opened microsoft outlook on this computer?
I have also encountered this after upgrading to 4.2.1.

1. Full day events like Birthdays were all screwed, single events were not affected. For example a whole day birthday on 1st Jan now spans across two days, it starts from 31st Dec 11:30pm to 1st Jan 11:30pm. These whole day event problem affects ALL records in Outlook Calendar and iphone calendar.

2. Secondly iphone now automatically append "United States of America" to ALL address field in iphone BUT not affecting Outlook Contacts.

This was how I have them resolved and I was glad to have a latest backup for outlook before flashing the iphone to 4.2.1. (If not then will probably need to amend ALL the affected full day events beforehand). As the outlook contacts were not affected, no actions needed.

At iphone, settings, general, date & time, turn off "Set automatically" Of course I have to set my appropriate time zone to Singapore. Then at International, ensure that Regional Format is also set correctly.

After that at iTunes, under Advance, replace information on this iphone to have outlook calendar and contact overwrite the iphone.

My problem was solved. Hope this helps.
In your second last line you say in iTunes, Advanced - " replace information on this iphone to have outlook calendar and contact overwrite the iphone". I can't see that option in my iTunes, Advanced. What am I missing?

Appreciate your help though. This is a very frustrating problem.
In your second last line you say in iTunes, Advanced - " replace information on this iphone to have outlook calendar and contact overwrite the iphone". I can't see that option in my iTunes, Advanced. What am I missing?

Appreciate your help though. This is a very frustrating problem.

Indeed it was very frustrating; especially if you have tons of data. And one gets nervy on data integrity.

At itunes, select your device name on the left panel, then click on "info" which is next to "summary"; this can be found on top of the right panel of itunes.

Then scroll all the way down, you will see "Advanced", select the relevant category that you would like outlook to Replace information on this phone. This will be for next sync only.
Thanks for the suggestion but it hasn't worked for me. My all day events are still syncing a day out on the iPhone. I am surprised this hasn't been fixed with version 4.3

I have to say I have has so many problems with the iPhone4 that didn't exist with the early one. Really disappointing.
Firstly take a look at Outlook Calendar on your desktop, are those all day events already messed up? I think they would be by now.

Could you edit just a few of those "crossed day" events, remember those events and try to sync over to overwrite you iphone once more?

For me I had the luxury of a backup so was easy.
Nifty, I had the same issue but have tentatively solved it by changing my timezone from NZ to Eastern (US & Canada) on both my PC and iPhone. I've tried a lot of other options without success.

There will be fall-out from this, and I will have to weigh up the pros & cons. A minor one was that this site queried my timezone when I registered, and changed it to NZ time.

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