problems with apps store

problems with apps store

chisel uk

New Member
Thread Starter
Oct 21, 2010
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Am hoping someone can help me out with something relating to my app store.

I originally had a IPhone 3 which I gave to my GF’s dad when I up graded to an iPhone 4. Both phones were obviously registered to me or at least the apps store account was and this is where the problems started. I think because we are both trying to access the same account from different phones there’s a conflict. I’ve tried to set myself up a new account but the phone will often revert back to the original account/user name which I can’t change manually. Effectively I want to close my accounts for iTunes/apps store and set up a new one but without losing any data on my phone.

Any help or advice is much appreciated.

well you can both use the same one it wont cause problems, all you have to do is go into the settings and then store and you can log your user out and set up a new one on itunes then it wont automatically use the login.