[Promo Codes] SOS SaveMe - The iPhone app that could save your or your child's life.

[Promo Codes] SOS SaveMe - The iPhone app that could save your or your child's life.


New Member
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Sep 1, 2011
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South Africa
Check it out, only $0.99 that could save your or your childs life one day.

It's a Utility app, when you start it up it asks you to configure your emergency contacts, you click the + button, and you can pick the contacts directly from your phone book. Thats all you need to do for configuration, there is no limit on the number of emergency contacts.

Let's say your phone is in your pocket, and you are working alone late at the office. You hear a window break, and you realize that someone is breaking in. You don't want to phone because you don't want them to know that someone is there, so you pull out your phone, tap SOS SaveMe, and the application automatically opens at the emergency screen, and beautiful and big 'Save Me' button appears. You hit the button, and hit send.

You run and hide, while your running, your phone constructs a SMS message saying that you need help, and adds a google maps link to your current location, this SMS is then sent to all your emergency contacts simultaneously. Because we use a SMS it becomes readable on any device, your friends or parents get's the SMS, and taps the link, google maps opens, and shows your location, they phone 911 and get the police there.

Simple to use, and beautiful.

For more information and screenshots, you can checkout: SOS SaveMe,
or hit up the AppStore directly: SOS SaveMe for iPhone on the iTunes App Store.

Let me know if you're interested - I might give you a promo code, if you will rate, and review it on iTunes :)
dylanj said:
Check it out, only $0.99 that could save your or your childs life one day.

It's a Utility app, when you start it up it asks you to configure your emergency contacts, you click the + button, and you can pick the contacts directly from your phone book. Thats all you need to do for configuration, there is no limit on the number of emergency contacts.

Let's say your phone is in your pocket, and you are working alone late at the office. You hear a window break, and you realize that someone is breaking in. You don't want to phone because you don't want them to know that someone is there, so you pull out your phone, tap SOS SaveMe, and the application automatically opens at the emergency screen, and beautiful and big 'Save Me' button appears. You hit the button, and hit send.

You run and hide, while your running, your phone constructs a SMS message saying that you need help, and adds a google maps link to your current location, this SMS is then sent to all your emergency contacts simultaneously. Because we use a SMS it becomes readable on any device, your friends or parents get's the SMS, and taps the link, google maps opens, and shows your location, they phone 911 and get the police there.

Simple to use, and beautiful.

For more information and screenshots, you can checkout: SOS SaveMe,
or hit up the AppStore directly: SOS SaveMe for iPhone on the iTunes App Store.

Let me know if you're interested - I might give you a promo code, if you will rate, and review it on iTunes :)

Great concept. But wouldn't It be best if you called 911. Some people might be late on the text. I had 5 years of hardcore military training with one year of actual combat (got to destroy some bmp's, some t72's and a few other things, all before the insurgency and was apart of operation red dawn (the mission that captured saddam hussein so It would actually be a pleasure if someone broke in anywhere I happened to be....
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LOL, I thought about getting it to dial 911, but if you phone a number and need to talk, there is a chance that the criminal could hear you, I wanted a way that you can send your friends/parents/family a message with your location, and hide somewhere safe while the criminal does whatever he wants to do.

If the person getting the text message knows about it, they can call 911, or take matters in their own hands - like you would :)

Thanks for the feedback - much appreciated!

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