Proximity Sensor Stays Black In Call

Proximity Sensor Stays Black In Call


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Mar 1, 2013
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Hello all, im having a very frustinrating problem with my iphone 4 proxmity sensor. Im running IOS 6.1. Im jailbroken with the Evasion installer. Ive had the phone for about a month now, when i got the phone from apple, it had IOS 6.1 It seems many people have a similar problem (but mine is reversed), see when i go to make a call, my proxmity sensor knows its by my ear and goes black, but ones i bring it down and hold it as if i where to say, open my contacts to look at phone numbers or change the volume while in call the screen remains black and wont come back. The only way to get it to come back is to hit the lock/unlock button which hangs up my call.

So in short, i call a number, put my phone up to my ear, the proxmity sensor makes the screen goes black, but when i bring it down away from my ear, it remains black. I have tried many things, i reset to default settings, ive done a hard and soft reboot. Ive taken off my case as well.

I DO NOT want to do a system restore because i dont want to lose my Cydia apps, and, my main fear is if i DO go ahead and system restore, itunes will automaticly give me IOS 6.2, which most likely means i cant re-jail break. Please i need suggestions. Im losing my mind. Yes apple will fix and if it is a hardware issue they will replace the phone (its underwarrenty) but i dont want to lose my access to cydia/jailbreaks in genral.

I feel like its not a hardware issue, as many people have reported with the update to IOS6, that their phone's proxmity sensor is messed up as well, except the common problem seems to be that the screen WONT go black and people hang up/mute/open a text or facetime with their ears. Please let me know what i can do, or if theres a Cydia tweak i can get to fix this. Thanks so much. Im going crazy.
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Has it been this way since you JB your iPhone?

Thats the most frustrating part, im new to the whole iphone in general and i was so impressed when i got it at first i either didnt know something was wrong, overlooked it, or, many it did work but im pretty sure its always been like this?
Well... if you update right now you'll be moved up to iOS 6.1.2. That iOS version is still Jailbreakable at this time. Without a fresh restore... there's no way of telling if you have a software or hardware issue.
Well... if you update right now you'll be moved up to iOS 6.1.2. That iOS version is still Jailbreakable at this time. Without a fresh restore... there's no way of telling if you have a software or hardware issue.
That is great news! How would i go about re-jailbreaking on 6.1.2? Can i just use the most up to date evasion? And is there a way to backup my cydia/***Moderation Notice: Removed Reference to Piracy Method*** apps and tweaks to put back on once i re jailbreak?
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That is great news! How would i go about re-jailbreaking on 6.1.2? Can i just use the most up to date evasion? And is there a way to backup my cydia/***Moderation Notice: Removed Reference to Piracy Method*** apps and tweaks to put back on once i re jailbreak?
The most recent evasi0n tool, v.1.5, will Jailbreak iOS 6.1.2. And... I've edited your post to remove your reference to Piracy. Discusssion of piracy is NOT ALLOWED here at iPhoneForums.
The most recent evasi0n tool, v.1.5, will Jailbreak iOS 6.1.2. And... I've edited your post to remove your reference to Piracy. Discusssion of piracy is NOT ALLOWED here at iPhoneForums.

My bad, will not happen again. But what about cydia backup? Surely cydia tweaks are fair play, is there any method to back those up?
PgkBackup is a popular one... there are others though. There's a couple threads where we've discussed these in the past... let me dig 'em up.
Yes... we've discussed it quite a bit. However, PKGBackup is always atop the lists. Here's a tutorial from one of our S.Mods on the use of PKGBackup...

Thanks so much for the help man you put end my headace haha, i will do that then, i hope its not hardware, the first iphone i bought had faulty speakers that didnt work, so i took it back an hour later and they replaced it with this one, and if this one has a faulty proximity sensor....then just what the HELL apple.. But ill let you know how everything works out thanks again
Very welcome! Yes... please let us know what turns out.

Hmm i shouldnt have jumped the gun i just bought the backup tool pkgbackup and view the great guide you linked me step by step and when i configure the settings to use dropbox it just says unknown error has occured and i cant do it.

And it seems as the app saves to your phone as a contact, which is cool but in my case i dont have space to keep the backup on my phone at all times is there a way to delete the back up or just put the backup on my cpu and do it all from there?

Sorry, i just cant get a good idea of how it works since i get stuck at the cloud service selection setting (dropbox again in my case) i do also have sugarsync and it can use that as well but when i pixk sugarsync it just gives me a error in the form of unledgeable text : (
You don't need to keep it on your phone at all times... if you don't have space. Only when you need to perform a restore.

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