Question about phone upgrades and subsidized phones

Question about phone upgrades and subsidized phones


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May 21, 2011
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Orlando, FL.
Sprint has an offer to pay you a certain amount if you switch to them, and you can receive up to $300 for your current phone. If I did this, I would turn in my old iPhone 4. Walmart has an offer of $.97 cents for their iPhone 5 so they can get rid of them before the iPhone 6 comes out. So if I went with Sprint now and got this $.97 cent iPhone, do you think I could I upgrade with Sprint to an iPhone 6 (5.5-inch screen!) when it comes out next month - at a subsidized rate?
You would likely have to pay an early termination fee if you wanted to do that, especially after only a few weeks. You should contact Sprint to ask what your upgrade options are.
I'm month-to-month with Verizon now. However, after investigating online I found that Sprint has terrible customer service and has a habit of not honoring their word during phone conversations. And their LTE network is notoriously slow compared to the ones with Verizon and ATT. So - I think I'll just stay with Verizon and keep my unlimited data plan. Guess I"ll be paying full price for an iPhone 6, but at tax-refund time.

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