Question about photos on iPhone5

Question about photos on iPhone5


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Sep 22, 2013
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Anyone know why when I take pictures they end up in both the camera roll & My Photo Stream. I know have double pictures. Should I delete a set, but which ones? I am not sure it is a setting I may have done incorrectly. I really like this phone & have learned so much from this forum. It is my first iPhone. I have tried to move them to icloud but that is another story. No photo folder shows up on Icloud.
Anyone know why when I take pictures they end up in both the camera roll & My Photo Stream. I know have double pictures. Should I delete a set, but which ones? I am not sure it is a setting I may have done incorrectly. I really like this phone & have learned so much from this forum. It is my first iPhone. I have tried to move them to icloud but that is another story. No photo folder shows up on Icloud.
The photos in photo stream are not taking up any storage space. The photos are only stored in the camera roll and what you see in the photo stream folder are just bookmarks to the original photos in the camera roll. If you don't want your photos to appear in photo stream you have to turn it off by going to Settings>iCloud>Photos>Photo Stream and slide the green button to the left.

Thanks scifan 57. I probably should not be afraid of the phone. The more I play with it the more I learn.

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You don't need photos in photo stream unless you are streaming them to another device. Having duplicates in photo stream did take more storage space on my iPhone 4. I haven't tried on my 5. The albums don't take more space. That's been my experience. When I deleted photo stream, I gained about 300 mb in my storage.

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