Question on photo album

Question on photo album


Thread Starter
Aug 16, 2011
Reaction score
The Sands of Oblivion
Greetings All,

I just upgraded to a 5 from a 3GS and I'm enjoying the new toy, a slight problem a cropped up though and I'm wondering if someone here can help me. I backed up the 3GS through iTunes and hokked the new phone up and everything transfered and I am now tring to get ris of something and it doesn't want to let me do it.
In the PHOTOS section I have three folders; CAMERA ROLL, PHOTO LIBRARY & iPHONE PICS, for some reason there is no option in the last two folders to allow me to delete the pics. Can anyone explain why? Can anyone here explain how I can get rid of them? Thanks.

Those are default on the iphone. The iphone guide decribes them as follows:

Viewing photos and Videos

Photos let you view photos and videos on your Iphone, in your:
  • Camera Roll album-photos and videos you took on Iphone, or saved from an email, text message, or webpage, or screen shot
  • Photo Stream albums-photos im My Photo Stream and your shared photo streams
  • Photo Library and other albums synced from your computer

Thats why you have those 3. hth