Radio Shack Selling Refurbished iPhone 4S 16GB for $99.99

Radio Shack Selling Refurbished iPhone 4S 16GB for $99.99


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Jun 18, 2010
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With the announce of the next iPhone imminent you can be sure that there will be some bargains to be had as retailers try and offload their iPhone 4S stock before the next phone comes in. According to MacRumors, one such bargain can be snapped up at Radio Shack, as the retailer is offering refreshed and remanufactured iPhone 4S 16GB models starting at $99.99 with a two-year contract on AT&T or Verizon, and the iPhone 4 16GB model on a two year contract for free. Also, if you are buying the phones specifically on a Verizon contract, you will get a $50 Radio Shack gift card. Other configurations are available, also at reduced rates, including $149.99 for an iPhone 4S 32GB on AT&T, with the same specification going for $199.99 on Verizon, which is also offering the iPhone 4S 64GB for a bargain $299.99.

Source: Radio Shack Offering "Refreshed" and "Remanufactured" 16GB iPhone 4S for $99.99 - Mac Rumors
i bought by 4s with a 2 year service on ATT for 100 bucks! this was a while ago too! and it was brand new. not refurb or anything. but thanks for the post!

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