Hey guys I've been looking around for cases for about a week now and everytime I look around, my mind changes on which I want to buy because there are SO MANY different cases from all these different companies.
If you can suggest a case to me with the following criteria, that would be awesome
I'm looking for a case that:
- is NOT bulky!!!
- is NOT an attention grabber
- will protect my phone from a nasty fall
- wont break my wallet
- will fit with screen protectors on back + front
- really prefer a case that has a soft, rubbery interior with and a solid shell exterior
- and last, obviously a case that fits for verizon iPhones
If you can suggest a case to me with the following criteria, that would be awesome
I'm looking for a case that:
- is NOT bulky!!!
- is NOT an attention grabber
- will protect my phone from a nasty fall
- wont break my wallet
- will fit with screen protectors on back + front
- really prefer a case that has a soft, rubbery interior with and a solid shell exterior
- and last, obviously a case that fits for verizon iPhones