Regular Phone.......

Regular Phone.......


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Mar 21, 2011
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I have a regular cell ph.:phone: what I use, a MacBook Pro and an iPad.....
Now I'm thinking about getting me an iPhone, and let me tell you that this is a difficult decision for me.....

Do I need an iPhone (4) if I have all the stuff named above? should I wait for the iPhone 5? what would be rumor wise the major different for someone like me with now Iphone experiences to wait for the No.5?

Thanks for feedback and useful suggestions....
There is no actual set date for iPhone 5 as far as I know. But I read something on Twitter saying it might be as early as June 20th... if that ends up being true I'd wait for it for sure.

I've also heard that apart from normal differences like hardware (speed, memory, screen) it may be able to take 2 SIM cards.

Answering your question though you don't really 'need' an iPhone unless you want one. Depends on what you want your phone to do really I guess.
You are right, I think its more like : I might like to have on top of my toys.....

I am traveling a lot and maybe I can put my announcements on to the phone instead of using my announcement book as back up.... at least its much smaller for that fast usage than the iPad... I am just a bit concerned loosing the interest of my iPad than......
Well, what a difficult decision......

Thanks anyway,
@ this time greetings from Oslo

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