Version: 1.0.0
Requiments: iPhone OS 3.2.2
Game Center: YES

It's a GYM for your brain&fingers. It train your logical thinking, reaction of your brain and ability to choose best solution in a short term. For all this you have 3 types of mini-games:
AIM - it's a best trainer for your aiming in games. Your task to tap all targets with less misses&passes in limited/unlimited time;
Reaction - it's a best trainer for your reaction. Your task to push button when it's red as fast as you can. For Example: ordinary reaction is 0.4 sec., Racer's - 0,2sec., astronaut's - 0,05-0.1sec.;
American Pilot - it's trainer for real american pilots. Your task to avoid other objects&borders as long as you can.
So test yourself, Improve your abilities and be the BEST!!!
Rise your skills. Challange with your friends in Game Center. Unlock differend achievments