Replacement of front screen

Replacement of front screen


New Member
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Mar 12, 2016
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hi everyone I'm new to the site

I have just replaced a front screen on a iPhone 6 everything went ok but when I switch the phone on the screen is ok for a few seconds then slowly white vertical lines start to appear on the screen

Re lock the phone leave it for a few seconds and re open it and same again screens perfect but slowly white vertical lines appear

Could this be a defected lcd screen ??
It could be a defective screen or you may have caused some accidental damage when replacing the screen. Have you already checked to make sure the screen cable is securely in its connector?
Also is your screen OEM? Cheap non OEM screens will cause issues.
Thanks for the reply I have unattached all ribbon cables from the logic board to the screen and lightly dusted off the connectors but it's still the same its unresponsive some times to

I think it is a faulty screen is this just luck of the draw when ordering a screen off eBay ??

Is there any good places to buy them from with everything fitted to them so it's just plug and play sort of ??
Ifixit sells genuine Apple replacement parts but they're more expensive than the cheap knock offs you find on eBay. I'd consider the higher price to be worth it, though.

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