Replacement phone/contact backup

Replacement phone/contact backup


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Oct 9, 2011
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Wife got a replacement phone today and after I "backed up" the old phone I plugged in the new phone and the only thing it restored was her apps. BFD, it put facebook back on! lol How come it didn't put her contact back on? Luckily she still had them all on her BB and was able to get them. I forgot the part about her doing a hard reset on the original phone before I finished the new phone so everything was gone on it. So how come that happened? Is there something extra I need to do? Sorry for being an iphone newb.

Also is there a way for me to put all of my gmail contacts on the phone? Do I have to put the gmail contacts in outlook first?
For yours just set up your gmail account and make sure you have contacts on. Your contacts will sync over.
"contacts on" where?

I just did a sync to outlook but it only brought over the contacts in my phone that had an email address.
Figured it out… thanks

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