Restore as new how to get contacts notes voicemail etc back onto iphone 4s IOS7

Restore as new how to get contacts notes voicemail etc back onto iphone 4s IOS7


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Jun 5, 2012
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I have a backup of my current JB IOS7 but want to restore DFU a fresh IOS then JB again. I will manually install all the apps etc. I don't want to restore from backup because its bringing in older files left from previous backups and Cydia just laying around in /var/mobile/library/preferences etc.

The only thing I am unclear of is how to stay clean throughout the entire process before re-JB'ing and bring in my contacts, imessages, notes. I have them on iCloud but I don't want to restore from iCloud because I am back to the same issue as before. Will contacts from iCloud sync back to the phone without a restore? Restore will just create the same problem iTunes created when I restored from it. My backup is from JB IOS6 very old files hanging around.

I am unsure how to get the notes, voicemail etc back? I have ifile installed now and if I knew which files (databases) to backup I could manually replace them right?

After I do this I will create a new library in iTunes and backup. Then JB and create another new library and back it up again after I install Cydia apps. I know the cydia apps will not sync back, thats ok, there are too few to worry about, I can manually bring them back.


Edited: 2-4-2014

I just did a restore as new but restored the Apple Stock Firmware DFU method and the iCloud had all my contacts. The rest was trivial.
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