Restore successful but still in recovery mode

Restore successful but still in recovery mode


New Member
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Aug 16, 2011
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I have an iPhone 3GS, which was on 3.1.3. I tried to update it to 4.3.3 but got several different errors, 1600, 37, 1618, to name a few and my iPhone was stuck in DFU mode. I finally got round all these errors by using TinyUmbrella and unchecking the set hosts to cydia button and restoring it to 4.0.1. But when it is finishing restoring it says it is successful and will reboot the iPhone, however it does not reboot and iTunes says my iPhone is still in recovery mode, and my iPhone is just a black screen, presumbily still in DFU mode. I don't want to upgrade to the newest version as I need an unlock as I'm travelling the USA next week (i'm from UK). What can I do? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
There is nothing that can be done at the moment that I know, your only choice here will unfortunately be the upgrade to the latest iOS. Apple found out all those stuff about downgrading and iTunes got pretty cleaver now.
Turns out I didn't have the correct SHSH for 4.3.3, it's sorted now, due to getting the correct SHSH. Thanks everyone for your help!
I think you can use tiny umbrella to kick it out of dfu. If that don't work irecovery or reboot?

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