Restore to iOS 5.1

Restore to iOS 5.1


New Member
Thread Starter
Feb 11, 2012
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Hi Experts

My iPhone 4S is currently running on iOS 5.0.1 and I have found out that iOS 5.1.1 is released.

About a few weeks ago I have jailbroken my iPhone to unlock my phone using SAM. My iPhone is unlocked and working fine.

When I launched cydia on the it reads "SHSH: iOS 5.1", If incase my phone crashes then I will be forced to upgrade to iOS 5.1.1. Will I be able to downgrade to iOS 5.1 as cydia has saved the SHSH blob?

My another question is as I have not upgraded to 5.1 as yet but cydia has managed to save the SHSH blob, so when will cydia save new SHSH blob for 5.1.1?

Please advise ?
You wont be able to use those shsh's on the iphone 4S until the new redsn0w is released as it will be the first tool that will allow any one to downgrade the iphone 4S's firmware
That's great. So I don't need to upgrade my iOS from 5.0.1?

How does Cydia got my iOS 5.1 SHSH BLOB as I have not upgraded? Will this SHSH blob work when I need to restore?

When will Cydia get my iOS 5.1.1 SHSH blob?

Is there a way to backup my 5.1 SHSH BLOB to my PC and how?
Cydia can save SHSH for all currently signed firmware no matter what firmware version you are on. The SHSH is generated from your ECID so yes you will be able to use it to restore. Cydia will save your SHSH when Saurik updates it, to store your SHSH on your computer just open TinyUmbrella, select "Request SHSH from Cydia" under the advanced settings and hit "Save SHSH"

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