Ringer/Vibrate help

Ringer/Vibrate help


New Member
Thread Starter
Apr 24, 2012
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I understand how the mute switch works and how to turn vibrate on/off... My question is this: Is there a way to have the phone on vibrate only without using the mute switch? I would like to use the mute switch to have the phone completely on silent, then turn the mute switch back to on and have the phone only in vibrate mode

When i use the volume buttons on the side (or the slider in settings) the ringer gets softer, but never all the way off
rvn2020 said:
I understand how the mute switch works and how to turn vibrate on/off... My question is this: Is there a way to have the phone on vibrate only without using the mute switch? I would like to use the mute switch to have the phone completely on silent, then turn the mute switch back to on and have the phone only in vibrate mode

When i use the volume buttons on the side (or the slider in settings) the ringer gets softer, but never all the way off

Are you jailbroken?
I don't understand what jailbroken means...

I've only had the phone for a few weeks. Everything else seems to run fine
rvn2020 said:
I don't understand what jailbroken means...

I've only had the phone for a few weeks. Everything else seems to run fine

Okay. Just checking. Jailbreaking is the process of installing Cydia. Cydia is an alternative to the app store. Cydia allows to customize literally Avery single aspect if your device to however you choose, bypassing restrictions that Apple places on the device.

I asked if you were jailbroken, because a jailbroken iPhone can do pretty much whatever you want it to.

What you are asking I don't think is possible on a stock iPhone.

However if you were jailbroken, you could simply pull down not notification center, and have toggles for certain settings. You can toggle on/off wifi, Bluetooth, ringer, vibrate, location, orientation lock, respring, reboot, shut down airplane mode, 3G, cellular data, LED flash light, brightness, volume, auto-lock. Pretty much anything you want, just from pulling down notification center. And also has the ability to do exactly what your asking, plus whatever other function you could possibly imagine. More to it then notification center widgets....but I think you get the idea. Whatever function a stock iPhone does not have....a jailbroken iPhone can have, like downloading free music, YouTube videos, reply to messages from anywhere on the device, including the lock screen, without having to leave the app your are in, or unlock your device, along with the ability to assign any slide gesture/tap/double tap/ button press to perform literally any action you desire.

I could go on and on, the possibilities are endless.

But for your stock iPhone....it has certain restrictions, and toggling the vibrate/ring settings without using the mute switch just is not possible in the way you described......not without being jailbroken.

How easy is it to jailbreak? And what are the cons to doing it? Does it affect anything else, is there any risk involved?

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